Applications on prescribed format duly supported by attested copies of certificates of all academic & technical qualifications are invited from eligible candidates, for engagement as Contractual Lecturer for teaching assignments (academic purposes only) purely on contractual basis on consolidated remuneration of Rs.15,600/- per month for the Spring Semester of Academic Session– 2013, extendable on need basis.
Division of Vety. Physiology, FVSc.&AH, Shuhama
Master degree with minimum 55% marks or equivalent grade in OGPA or equivalent postgraduate qualification in the concerned subject .(Vety.Physiology)
Desirable :
PhD degree in concerned subject.NET qualified
Division of Vety. Microbiology & Immunology. FVSc AH, Shuham
Master degree with minimum 55% marks or equivalent grade in OGPA or equivalent postgraduate qualification in the concerned subject.(Vety.Microbiology & Immunology)
Desirable :
PhD degree in concerned subject.NET qualified
Division of Livestock Production & Management,(LPM) FVSc.&AH, Shuhama.
Master degree with minimum 55% marks or equivalent grade in OGPA or equivalent postgraduate qualification in the concerned subject.(LPM)
Desirable :
PhD degree in concerned subject. NET qualified
Mountain Research Centre for Sheep & Goat, Shuhama (LPM /Animal Nutrition)
Master degree with minimum 55% marks or equivalent grade in OGPA or equivalent postgraduate qualification in the concerned subject.(LPM/Animal
Desirable :
PreferencePhD degree in concerned subject. NET qualified
The applications complete in all respects should reach the office of Registrar Sher- Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir Shalimar Srinagar on or before 07-02- 2013 accompanied with attested copies of all relatedtestimonials/certificates alongwith self addressed envelope (10”x4”) duly stamped (Rs.5/-) and a Bank Draft for Rs.260/- (Rupees two hundred sixty only) pledged to Comptroller, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir Shalimar Srinagar payable at J & K Bank Ltd. Shalimar, Branch, SKUAST-K, Srinagar.
Last Date: 7 February 13
Click Here For More Details:
Division of Vety. Physiology, FVSc.&AH, Shuhama
Master degree with minimum 55% marks or equivalent grade in OGPA or equivalent postgraduate qualification in the concerned subject .(Vety.Physiology)
Desirable :
PhD degree in concerned subject.NET qualified
Division of Vety. Microbiology & Immunology. FVSc AH, Shuham
Master degree with minimum 55% marks or equivalent grade in OGPA or equivalent postgraduate qualification in the concerned subject.(Vety.Microbiology & Immunology)
Desirable :
PhD degree in concerned subject.NET qualified
Division of Livestock Production & Management,(LPM) FVSc.&AH, Shuhama.
Master degree with minimum 55% marks or equivalent grade in OGPA or equivalent postgraduate qualification in the concerned subject.(LPM)
Desirable :
PhD degree in concerned subject. NET qualified
Mountain Research Centre for Sheep & Goat, Shuhama (LPM /Animal Nutrition)
Master degree with minimum 55% marks or equivalent grade in OGPA or equivalent postgraduate qualification in the concerned subject.(LPM/Animal
Desirable :
PreferencePhD degree in concerned subject. NET qualified
The applications complete in all respects should reach the office of Registrar Sher- Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir Shalimar Srinagar on or before 07-02- 2013 accompanied with attested copies of all relatedtestimonials/certificates alongwith self addressed envelope (10”x4”) duly stamped (Rs.5/-) and a Bank Draft for Rs.260/- (Rupees two hundred sixty only) pledged to Comptroller, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir Shalimar Srinagar payable at J & K Bank Ltd. Shalimar, Branch, SKUAST-K, Srinagar.
Last Date: 7 February 13
Click Here For More Details:
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