Indian Army - Jr. Commissioned Officer - B.A/B.Com, Graduate

Applications are invited from candidates for recruitment of Religious Teachers in the Army as Junior Commissioned Officer for RRT 71 course.  Religious Teachers preach religious scriptures to troops and  conduct  various rituals at  Regimental/Unit  religious institutions.

Junior Commissioned Officer

Educational & Language Qualifications:
The Minimum educational qualifications applicable to candidates applying for post is as under :-
Pandit :
(i)     Candidates with minimum educational qualification of graduation in any discipline from a recognized university.
(ii)   In addition candidate must also be qualified Madhyama in Sanskrit or Bhushan in Hindi or equivalent standard.
(iii)  Those who have passed BA with Sanskrit / Hindi as one of theelective(Main) subjects but have not done Madhyama in Sanskrit or Bhushan in Hindi are also eligible.

Age :   Must not be below 27 years or over 34 years for civilian candidates and between 25 years to 34 years for remustered candidates as on first day of Recruitment Rally.  Candidates are requested to contact nearest Recruiting office/Zone given in Para 6 of this advertisement for date of Recruitment Rally. For more details please visit our website

3. (a) The recruitment will be carried out through all the HQ Recruiting Zones, IRO Delhi Cantt, Ladakh Scout Regt Centre Leh and JAKLI Regt Centre Srinagar.
(b) Submission of Application :  Application duly filled as per performa given in the advertisement will be submitted by the candidate alongwith the required documents duly super scribed (APPLICATION FOR JCO (RT) COURSE NO 71) on top outer cover  of envelope to the HQ Rtg Zone / IRO Delhi Cantt / Ladakh Scout Regtl Centre Leh / JAK LI Regtl Trg Centre Srinagar of which the individual is a permanent
native / resident  latest by 12 Jan 2013. They can appear for written exam only from the place of domicile.  Application submitted to a different org of which the candidate is not domicile of will be rejected. Postal Addresses of all Headquarters Recruiting Zones & concerned Regimental Centres are given at Para 6.
(c) Candidates found eligible will be issued call up letters by the concerned office/ recruiting organisation for initial screening which will include checking of original certificates followed by medical examination.
(d) The screened candidates will be put through written examination which will be conducted on 24 Feb 2013 and will comprise of two papers as follows :-
PAPER I : (Maximum Marks -100). This will contain objective type questions on general awareness and will be common to candidates of all Religious denominations.
PAPER II : (Maximum Marks -100). This will test the knowledge specific to particular religious denomination to which the candidate belongs. The paper may be answered in English or Hindi.

The candi dates decl ared successful in  the wri tten examina tion and shor t listed for inter vi ew will  be  communi ca ted abou t  the inter vi ew dates by  post th rough  sel f  addr essed envel opes and the list  will also be displayed at  their  r espective  HQ  Recruiting Zones by   12 Apr 2013  The list  offinally  selected candidates will  be  displayed a t  thei r r espective  HQ Recruiting Zones by   04  Jun  2013.  Recruiting organization will not  be r esponsibl e for  non receipt of  communication  due  to  postalerrors and incorrect/incomplete address furnished by the  candidates.

Last Date : 12 Jan 2013

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