The Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme is implemented at the national level. There are hundreds of
art forms practised in our country. Since the number of scholarships available are limited, only exceptionally
talented and outstanding students need to apply
Subject to availability of funds, the total number of fresh scholarships to be awarded every year will be 520, of which 125 may be reserved for children of families practicing traditional performing arts etc. and 20 for
Specially Challenged children. The remaining 375 scholarships will be treated as general scholarships.
The talented children in the age group of 10 to 14 years (as per the cut off eligibility dates), studying in the
recognized schools will be eligible to apply under the Scheme. In exceptional cases, the lower age limit can
be relaxed up to two years. In the case of children of families practicing traditional performing arts, the
condition regarding attendance of school for academic education will not be imposed at the time of
application. But in the event of their selection, they must attend a school for academic education and their
scholarship will be released only on submission of a proper certificate from the Head of the School.
The children whose parent's/guardian's total monthly income is less than ` 6000/- only (Rupees Six Thousand
Only) per month will be given preference for the award of scholarship. However, the criteria of talent and
potential will be taken into consideration for all the candidates.
The Scholarship awarded under the scheme will be initially for two years at a time and is renewable after
every two years till the completion of the first university degree stage of education or up to the age of 20
years, whichever is earlier, subject to the awardee maintaining good progress. However, if the Half-Yearly
Progress Reports are not submitted in time regularly, then the decision regarding discontinuation can be
taken any time without prior notice, as and when required. Children not continuing academic education
beyond Higher Secondary stage, but wishing to continue their training in the respective cultural fields in which
scholarship has been awarded, on full time basis and without undertaking employment etc. shall continue to
receive the scholarship till the age of 20 years or the completion of training course, whichever is earlier.
The payment of scholarship will start from the date which may be specified by the Centre or from the date on
which the admission is obtained in the approved course in an Institution or with the approved guru, whichever is later. In the case of those studying with the guru, the date of commencement of studies with the guru will be date of commencement of the course.
Application for the scholarship should be submitted by the parents/guardians in the prescribed form in one
field/subject only, after getting necessary recommendations from school/ institution and guru/teacher, where
the applicant is studying and receiving training respectively, directly to the CCRT, New Delhi by
December 31, 2012. Duly completed applications from children belonging to the families practicing traditional arts will be obtained through renowned Gurus/Institutions by the CCRT directly
For the shortlisting of candidates to be called for Interview/Test, the CCRT will constitute a Central Selection Committee, whose decision shall be final. The shortlisted candidates will be informed by post only about the dates, timings and venue of the Interview/Test which may be conducted at Regional level during
the months of May-July 2013.
The selected child will be placed for training by the parent/guardian either in a suitable institution in which
facilities for academic studies as well as for training in the particular cultural field for which the child is
awarded the scholarship, are available or he/she will be placed for training in the field concerned under an
approved guru/teacher while being allowed to pursue the academic studies in a recognized school. The
decision of the CCRT on the selection of the course of study and the guru/teacher will be final.
Last Date: 31 December 12
Click Here For More Details:
art forms practised in our country. Since the number of scholarships available are limited, only exceptionally
talented and outstanding students need to apply
Subject to availability of funds, the total number of fresh scholarships to be awarded every year will be 520, of which 125 may be reserved for children of families practicing traditional performing arts etc. and 20 for
Specially Challenged children. The remaining 375 scholarships will be treated as general scholarships.
The talented children in the age group of 10 to 14 years (as per the cut off eligibility dates), studying in the
recognized schools will be eligible to apply under the Scheme. In exceptional cases, the lower age limit can
be relaxed up to two years. In the case of children of families practicing traditional performing arts, the
condition regarding attendance of school for academic education will not be imposed at the time of
application. But in the event of their selection, they must attend a school for academic education and their
scholarship will be released only on submission of a proper certificate from the Head of the School.
The children whose parent's/guardian's total monthly income is less than ` 6000/- only (Rupees Six Thousand
Only) per month will be given preference for the award of scholarship. However, the criteria of talent and
potential will be taken into consideration for all the candidates.
The Scholarship awarded under the scheme will be initially for two years at a time and is renewable after
every two years till the completion of the first university degree stage of education or up to the age of 20
years, whichever is earlier, subject to the awardee maintaining good progress. However, if the Half-Yearly
Progress Reports are not submitted in time regularly, then the decision regarding discontinuation can be
taken any time without prior notice, as and when required. Children not continuing academic education
beyond Higher Secondary stage, but wishing to continue their training in the respective cultural fields in which
scholarship has been awarded, on full time basis and without undertaking employment etc. shall continue to
receive the scholarship till the age of 20 years or the completion of training course, whichever is earlier.
The payment of scholarship will start from the date which may be specified by the Centre or from the date on
which the admission is obtained in the approved course in an Institution or with the approved guru, whichever is later. In the case of those studying with the guru, the date of commencement of studies with the guru will be date of commencement of the course.
Application for the scholarship should be submitted by the parents/guardians in the prescribed form in one
field/subject only, after getting necessary recommendations from school/ institution and guru/teacher, where
the applicant is studying and receiving training respectively, directly to the CCRT, New Delhi by
December 31, 2012. Duly completed applications from children belonging to the families practicing traditional arts will be obtained through renowned Gurus/Institutions by the CCRT directly
For the shortlisting of candidates to be called for Interview/Test, the CCRT will constitute a Central Selection Committee, whose decision shall be final. The shortlisted candidates will be informed by post only about the dates, timings and venue of the Interview/Test which may be conducted at Regional level during
the months of May-July 2013.
The selected child will be placed for training by the parent/guardian either in a suitable institution in which
facilities for academic studies as well as for training in the particular cultural field for which the child is
awarded the scholarship, are available or he/she will be placed for training in the field concerned under an
approved guru/teacher while being allowed to pursue the academic studies in a recognized school. The
decision of the CCRT on the selection of the course of study and the guru/teacher will be final.
Last Date: 31 December 12
Click Here For More Details:
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