SJVN Ltd - ITI Training (Other Courses)

SJVN LIMITED, A Mini Ratna Schedule ‘A’ Public Sector Undertaking after successful commissioning of the country’s largest 1500MW Nathpa Jhakri Hydro Power Station in Himachal Pradesh is emerging as a multi-unit 4500 MW company with Hydro Power Projects of 412 MW Rampur, 775 MW Luhri on river Satluj,

2.Mech. Motor vehicle
4.Mech. Electronics
10th class pass under +2 system of Education or equivalent

5.Cutting Sewing
12th class pass under +2 system of education or equivalent

12th class pass under +2 system of education or equivalent

(b) SJVN shall reimburse tuition fee, examination fee and other expenditures connected with the Course for the duration of the course. In addition, Scholarship @ R700/- per month during the course as envisaged in their merit scholarship "scheme shall be provided. In case, the person so selected for pursuing the course is already drawing scholarship then he shall not be eligible for scholarship under this scheme.

Eligibility :
The scheme shall be available for unemployed youth who poseses the qualification mentioned above. A batch of 30 youths shall be selected (one from ach from project affected panchayat and one seat shall be allocated on the basis of the overall merit). The selection with in the panchayat shall be made in order of preference as under: (a) Project Affected Families with in the panchayat. (b) Families residing in the Project Affected Area. (c) Other than PAFs - residents of concerned Tehsil of the Project Affected Area.

Selection Process :
(a) All the wards of the Project Affected Families/Area shall be eligible for joining the scheme for the purpose of forming the batch. (b) Each candidate shall be required to fill-up an prescribed application format (enclosed) clearly specifying the choice of trades in the order of preference. (c) The trades shall be allotted based on the marks secured in the matriculation/ plus two examination. (d) Application received from each panchayat shall be processed separately and the merit shall also be drawn separately for each panchayat. (e) Eligible Project Affected Families/Area from each panchayat shall be allotted seats directly in order of preference and one seat shall be allotted on the basis of overall merit.

The candidates meeting the above eligibility conditions and desirous to be considered
under the above scheme for sponsorship of ITI course may apply in the enclosed
prescribed format complete in all respect alongwith the attested copy of matriculation / plus two certificate. The candidates belonging to project affected families are required to submit certificate to this effect duly issued by Land Acquisition Collector, Luhri Hydro Electric Project, SJVN, Bithal, PO Shamathla, Tehsil Kumarsain, Distt. Shimla, HP (Tel. No. 01782-222031) and the candidates from project affected panchayat or resident of concerned tehsil of project affected area are required to submit the certificate to this effect from concern Tehsildar. The applications should reach to Manager (P&A), Luhri Hydro Electric Project, V&PO Sunni, Tehsil Sunni, District Shimla (HP)-171301 on or before 30.06.2012.

Last Date : 30 June 12

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