West Bengal College Service Commission - Assistant Professor/Librarian

Applications are invited from Indian Citizens and such other nationals as are declared eligible by
Govt. of India for recruitment to the following posts.

Assistant Professor/Librarian

Assistant Professor in various subjects in different Government-aided Colleges (both General   degree Colleges and Teachers’ Training Colleges) in West Bengal. (b) Librarians in the above mentioned types of Colleges.

Vacancy and Method of Recommendation:
The exact number of vacancies (subject-wise, category-wise and College-wise) will be announced later. The vacancy calculation shall be done in accordance with the terms laid down in the West Bengal College Service Commission (Manner of Selection of Persons for Appointment to the posts of Assistant Professors, Principals and Librarians and Re-recommendation of Assistant Professor) Regulations, 2012. A tentative vacancy list is provided in Annexure – 1. However, as indicated above, the numbers in the list are likely to change (increase or decrease) before the provisional merit panels are published. The  exact vacancy position will be notified before publication of the first merit panel to facilitate an efficient and transparent counseling process.

Qualifications Required in Different Subjects for General Degree Colleges other than B.Ed.
Colleges and B.Ed. Departments in General Degree Colleges.
(For subjects other than Law, Music/Dance, Fine (Visual) Arts, Drama and Physical Education)

(a) At least 55% marks or an equivalent grade or Grade Point at the Master’s Degree level in the
same or a relevant subject from a recognized University/Institute and at least a 3-year Bachelor
degree, preferably but not essentially with Honours in the same or a relevant subject, also from
a recognized University/Institute.
For Commerce, the following shall constitute additional desirable qualification:A Master’s Degree in Business Management / Administration declared equivalent by AIU /
Accredited by the AICTE / UGC/ A two- year full-time PGDM from any IIM or accredited by
OR, Chartered Accountant /Cost Accountant / Company Secretary of the concerned statutory

Applicants are advised to go through the entire text of the advertisement (including  Information and Instruction), the  FAQ and the ‘How to Apply’ sections thoroughly before they sit for online submission of their application. They must completely satisfy  themselves about their eligibility in accordance with the ‘Eligibility Checklist’ given below.

Last Date : 25.01.2013

Click Here For More Details:

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