Nuclear Fuel Complex - Technician(Certificate Course (ITI)

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the following posts in NuclearFuel Complex, Hyderabad, an industrial establishment under the Department of Atomic Energy(DAE).Post:TECHNICIAN/B (RIGGER) 

Educational Qualifications:Minimum 60 % marks (in aggregate) in SSC or HSC with Science and Maths plus 1 year Trade Certificate in ITI (Rigger). 

Experience:1 year experience in Rigging is preferable. 
1. Candidates will be called for Written Test, Trade test & Interview in case of Technician/B& C and interview in the case of Technical Officer/C based on their academic records andexperience in the relevant field. The final selection will be based on the performance ofthe candidate. 
2. Selected candidates, on their appointment, will be governed by the New Pension Scheme. 
3. Initial posting of selected candidates will be at NFC, Hyderabad/Zirconium Complex,Palayakayal/NFC, Kota but they are also liable to be posted in any of the constituentunits of the Department of Atomic Energy at any part of India. 
4. The candidates called for interview for the post of Technical Officer/C (Librarian) fromoutstation will be paid to and fro rail fare by SECOND CLASS/SLEEPER or actual farewhichever is less. 
5. Applications for the post of Technical Officer/C (Librarian) should be accompanied bynon-refundable crossed Indian Postal Order/Demand Draft for `.250/-(Rupees Twohundred and fifty only) drawn in favour “Pay and Accounts Officer, NFC payable atHyderabad. Women candidates, SC/ST candidates and dependents of Defenceservice personnel killed in action are exempted from paying the fee. 
6. AGE: Age will be reckoned as on 01.01.2012 for the posts advertised. 

How to apply: 
1. Application, preferably typewritten on thick A4 paper, should be submitted in theprescribed format. 
2. The envelope should be superscribed as “Application for the post of__________________________________ against Advt. No. NFC/01/2012”. 
3. PHOTOGRAPH: A recent passport size photograph should be affixed in the spaceprovided in the application and one additional copy of the passport size photographshould be sent along with the application. 
4. Copies of certificates to be submitted alongwith application in support of:(i) Educational & Technical qualifications with appropriate Marks sheets & coursecompletion certificate wherever applicable.(ii) Work experience.(iii) Date of Birth (X / SSC / Matriculation Examination certificates or equivalentcertificate).(iv) Community certificate in case of SC/ST/OBC.(v) Discharge certificate in case of Ex-servicemen.(vi) Dependents of Defence service personnel killed in action, if applicable. 

Last Date: 10 May 12 

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