MAHAGENCO - Jr Engineer (BE/B.Tech)

The Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Limited (MAHAGENCO), the State Power Generation of Govt.of Maharashtra and largest Power Generation in Maharashtra State requires persons for the following posts. (For details of qualifications, experience and job descriptions click on following positions).

Jr. Engineer

Qualification :
Bachelors Degree .B E.(Elect Engg) B.E.(Electric & Power)/ Tech., B.E (Mechanical) B E.( PROD. Engg.) / Tech. B E.( Industrial Engg.) / Tech. B.E.(Manufacturing Engg.)/ Tech. B.E.(Thermal Engg.) / Tech. B.E. (Electronics) :B.E.(Electronics & Comm.)/ Tech. B E.( Electronics & Power) Tech.B.E.(Power Electronics)/ Tech.B.E.( E&T)/Tech. B.E.(Instrumentation)/ Tech .B.E. (Computer Engg) : B.E.(Computer Tech.)/ Tech. B.E. (Computer Sci & Engg.)/Tech.B.E.(Information Techno)/ Tech. Of University or Institute in India established or incorporated by or under Central Act or State Act or any other qualification recognized as equivalent thereto i.e. AMIE with any one of the above branches.

Age :45 years (As on 12th Feb, 2012)

Last Date: 12 February 12

Click Here For More Details:


  1. ok..... if this is useful than how can we apply for this and if not than why it is posted??????

  2. This is only for Physically Handicapped people...
