NABI - Technical and Administrative Positions

National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI), Mohali, is an autonomous R&D Institute under Government of India, Department of Biotechnology. The Institute has been allotted 35 acres of land in Knowledge City, Sector-81, Mohali, but as an interim-facility, NABI is functioning at Plot No.C-127, Industrial Area, Phase-8, Mohali-160071.

The institute is mandated to strengthen research at the interface of agriculture biotechnology, food processing and nutritional sciences. Applications are invited from individuals with enthusiasm to develop an organisation with world class environment with culture and ability to facilitate research programmes with efficiency and function in partnership with public and private sector.

Manager Administration:
A distinguished academic record with atleast a graduate degree from an institute/Univ of repute, with minimum 10 years experience in Admin, Estate, procurement and related areas in a responsible capacity out of which atleast 4 yrs should be in the immediately lower Grade Pay1 or equivalent in an organisation of repute.

Desirable: Knowledge of modern management practises, computer applications/MIS, MBA/PGDPM, IPR and technology transfer. Candidates having worked in government organisations, scientific research institutes,

Institute Engineer:
M.Tech with 5 years Experience/AMIE or graduate degree in Civil Engineering with 7 years experience/3 years Diploma in Engineering with 12 years experience.

Desirable: Experience as Executive Engineer or equivalent post in CPWD/MES/ other
engineering departments in Government/PSU/autonomous bodies related to Campus infrastructure planning and maintenance.

Library-cum-Informatics Officer:
First Class M.Tech or its equivalent from a recognised University/Institute in
Computers/Electronics/Information Technology Science with four years relevant experience in a Database Development, Programming andManagement, software
development in a University/Institution/Research Organisation OR First Class B.Tech/BE/MCA/M.Sc or its equivalent from a recognised University/Institute in Computers/Electronics/Information Technology Science with seven years relevant experience in a Database Development, Programming and Management, software development in an University/Institution/ Research Organisation.

Desirable: RED HAT certification, DBA certification, skills in database development, management and programming. Candidates should be skilled in the development and useage of advanced database management softwares and ERP. Excellent communication skills in English and Hindi. Experience of managing a computerised library in a research organisation of repute.

Assistant Engineer (Electrical)and (Civil)
Degree in Engineering with 2 years experience or AMIE/ Diploma in engineering with 6 years experience.

Desirable: Experience as Assistant Engineer or equivalent post in CPWD/MES/ other engineering departments in Government/PSU/ autonomous bodies related to Campus infrastructure planning and maintenance.

Management Assistants (Administration, Stores, Public Relations)
Graduate/PG Degree/PG Diploma in For Admin: Personal Management; For Stores: Material Management. For Public Relations: Communication or Public Relation; from an Institute/University of repute.

a) For Administration: MBA (HR).
For Stores: MBA (Material Management).
For Public Relations: MBA
b) 2 years experience in Management/ administration/ Public Relations and knowledge of modern management practices, Computer application and Management Information Systems.

Library Assistant:
Bachelor Degree in Library Science/Information Science/IT/Documentation or its equivalent grade from any recognised University/Institute.
Desirable Qualifications:
2 years experience in Library/informatics works in any Library of a reputed Research Organisation with excellent communication skills in Hindi & English.

Computer Operator:
Graduate degree in computers/electronics/IT or its equivalent from a recognised university/ institute.
Desirable Qualifications:
One year experience in maintenance of IT and computer applications in an organisation of repute.

How to Apply: The application should be submitted in the prescribed format available at our website ( or can be obtained by post from “Administrative Officer, National Agri- Food Biotechnology Institute, C-127, Phase VIII, Industrial Area, SAS Nagar, Mohali, Punjab-160071 (India)” by sending self addressed envelope with requisite postage. Application completed in all respects, in the prescribed form accompanied by attested copies of certificates, testimonials in support of age, educational qualifications, experience, etc. along with non-refundable application fee of Rs.100/- for general and OBC category candidates (NO application fee for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/PWD candidates), by means of Demand Draft (issued by State Bank of India only) valid for at least 6 months, drawn in favour of “National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute, Mohali” payable at Phase-1Br., Mohali, should be sent to the Administrative Officer, National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute, C-127, Phase-VIII, Industrial Area, SAS Nagar, Mohali, Punjab-160071 (India) super-scribing ‘APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ______________” on the envelope, so as to reach on or before November 30th , 2011.

Check the below link for more details:

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