Tripura University - Traineeship/ Studentship(MSc)

Walk in interview will be held at 11.30 AM on 19th March, 2012 in the chamber of
Head, Department of Zoology, Tripura University for the Project “Establishment of State
Biotech Hub” under DBT, Govt of India sponsored programme to promote education &
research for development and transfer of knowledge systems; to attract students to build their career in different fields of in Biology/ Biotechnology in North East India.

1. Traineeship - 6 months duration:
Candidates having M.Sc. degree in Biological / Chemical/ Agricultural /Veterinary Sciences / Biomedical Sciences. Age: below 32 years. Preference will be given to candidates with research interests.

2. Studentship – 6 months duration:
Candidates doing M.Sc. degree in Biological Sciences. Age: below
25 years. Preference will be given to candidates who are willing to do research in the biological Science after completion of their M.Sc degree.

1. The above mentioned positions are purely on contractual basis.
2. Fellowship amount might change as per norms of DBT, Govt of India, New Delhi.
3. Candidates having strong interests and dedication towards the research in
biotechnology and objectives of DBT, Govt of India, New Delhi in setting up the
State Biotech Hub, only need to appear for interview. Selected candidates will
actively participate in overall setting up and proper functioning of the Biotech Hub.
4. Applications, neatly typed on plain paper, stating the name, contact address with
phone number and email address, date of birth, educational qualifications,
experiences and vision along with attested photocopies of mark sheets and
certificates, should addressed to The Registrar, Tripura University through the
Coordinator, State Biotech Hub, Tripura University.
5. Applicants must produce the original documents during interview.
6. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

Last Date: 19 March 12

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