Applications are invited for Stipendiary Trainees (Category- II) in BARC, Mysore/Mumbai.
Stipendiary Trainees
Chemical Plant Operator
Educational Qualifications :
HSC (Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics subjects)/SSC with a minimum of 60% of marks in aggregate PLUS ITI certificate in Chemical Plant Operation / Fitter / Electrical / Electronics.
The ITI/NCTVT qualification should be either of the following :-
1. ITI/NCTVT of 2 years duration
2. ITI of one year duration plus one year relevant experience after completion of the course.
Candidates who have passed HSC (10+2) or equivalent with minimum 60% marks in aggregate in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics can also apply for the post of Chemical Plant Operator.
*Candidates applying for Cat-II - Fitter may also be considered for Chemical Plant Operator.
Age limit: 18 years minimum and maximum 22 years as on 01.01.2013.
Written Examination/Selection : Short listed candidates have to appear for a Written Examination. Option to answer either in English or Hindi will be given at Written Examination and Interview. Candidates should come prepared to stay in Mysore at their own cost for 2 days for Written Examination/Interview. Written Examination of one hour duration will be conducted and will comprise of objective type (multiple choice) questions. The syllabus for said examination will be based on subjects at SSC/HSC/ITI level as the case may be. Those candidates qualifying in the Written Examination shall be short listed for interview on the same day/following day.
Final selection and ranking will be on the basis of performance of the candidate in the interview and no weightage will be given for marks scored in the written examination. The decision of this Research Centre in this regard is final.
How to apply:
1. Application should be submitted in the proforma given overleaf.
2. Application should be submitted on good quality white A-4 size plain paper and should be in conformity with the format prescribed in proforma given overleaf. Candidates are advised to ensure that the application is legible, preferably typed in English or Hindi only.
3. The Candidate’s Name, Address with Pin code, Date of Birth should be written legibly in English in bold capital letters, even if a Candidates fill-in application in Hindi.
4. The Application and the outer cover should be superscribed as “Application for Stipendiary Trainees Category-II Discipline ____________________ against Advertisement No. 01/2012”.
5. Only one application should be submitted for one post. If candidate wishes to apply for more than one discipline [eg. Cat-II (Mech) and Cat-II (Process)], separate application should be submitted for each discipline.
6. Completed application should be sent to the Administrative Officer-III, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Post Bag No. 01, Yelwal Post, Mysore-571 130 so as to reach not later than 01.01.2013.
7. PHOTOGRAPH: A recent passport size photograph should be affixed on the right hand top corner of the application. One additional copy of the passport size photograph should also be sent along with the application with their name written on the back side of the photo
Last Date : 01.01.2013
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