Health Department (Govt of Haryana) - Medical Officers (PG Diploma)

Health Department (Govt of Haryana) , inviting application for the post of Medical Officers

Post :
Medical Officers

Preference will be given to the candidates having PG degree/Diploma

o Reservation benefit will be admissible to the bonafide residents of Haryana State only. The certificate of SC/BC/ESVVDESM/PHo f Haryana issuedb y the competenta uthority under the latestG ovt. instructionsw ili onlv be accented.
o Preferencew ill be given to the candidatesh aving PG degree/Diploma.
o A waiting list equalt o 50% of totai advertisedp ostsw ill be preparedw hich will rernainv alid for a period of 4 monthsf i'om the dateo f issueo f first appointment letter. n The application forms, eligibility criteria and other information is available on the official website
of HaryanaH ealth Departmenti. e. http:/ The applicationf orm needst o be
downloadedf rom the web site.P leaser eadt he instructionsb eforef illing the applicationf orm.

Last Date: 29 February 12

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